Fearless optimist Anna (voice of ‘Kristen Bell’) teams up with rugged mountain man Kristoff (voice of ‘Jonathan Groff (II)’) and his loyal reindeer Sven in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel),

whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom.
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I went to the cinema with a few friends to see this tonight – I’m not usually a big Disney watcher, but I enjoyed this one Really liked all the characters, and have to say I was totally taken in by Hans! I really liked both the female characters The snowman was a legend, especially when he said ‘I gave no skull’ – that made me laugh! The story was great – I hadn’t realised that it was based on the Snow Queen The singing was amazing – Idina Menzel’s voice never fails to amaze me! I love Anna’s character, how she goes through lots of struggles, how the sisterly love is the one that breaks the ice Now I just need to find a man like Kristoff to melt my heart!
THE GOOD After seeing this movie a second time, I like it even more
It’s just a glorious masterpiece of animation! But lets go into the details: the main characters, Anna and Elsa are very well written and well developed characters, especially compared to previous Disney princesses (who they take a jab at occasionally) Anna is an incredibly fun princess and Elsa is quite tragic but still very relatable The other characters are great, even Olaf the snowman, the character that everyone thought they would hate turned out to be very funny! The story is very well thought out and nothing is said or done that isn’t revisited There is two twists at the end that are very unexpected and fit the story perfectly,
nothing like the story I thought I’d see A big staple of Disney has always been the music, and Frozen’s soundtrack, orchestral and songs, surpass the standard “Let it Go”, “First Time in Forever”, “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman”, all the songs are fantastic and memorable The songs here give Beauty and the Beast a run for its money! And as usual from Disney, the animation is beautiful The environments seem very Skyrim-esque, the graphics of the ice is flawless THE BAD I don’t have much to complain about but there are a couple of things that distract me Even though the animation is amazing some of the textures they use for characters and various things seem a little low- res “Fixer-Upper” is quite a pointless song, as fun as it is And the film seems to take quite a few queues from the X-Men films, from the basic setup to some of the shots the film uses THE BOTTOM LINE People say this is up there with Beauty and The Beast and The Little Mermaid, and well
they’re right It’s gorgeously animated, fantastic music, memorable characters and great story Frozen will surely stand the test of time as one of Disney’s greatest